What cryptocurrency and network are supported on Yield App?
On Yield App you can buy, exchange or earn on the following cryptocurrency assets:
At the moment Yield App only supports the ARB (Arbitrum), AVAXC (C-Chain), BEP20 (BNB Smart Chain (BSC)), Bitcoin, Cosmos, ERC20 (Ethereum), Polkadot, Polygon, Solana, Ripple, Cardano, DOGECOIN and NEAR Protocol blockchain networks.
How long does it take to withdraw assets?
Typically, all withdrawals are completed within a few minutes. If you are experiencing delays please contact our support team via support@yield.app or through the live chat on the website.
Can I deposit fiat?
Yes! Yield App provides fast and easy-to-use fiat on- and off-ramps for EUR and GBP via SEPA and Fast transfer.
More details under the "Fiat" section in the Help Centre.