Buy digital assets with your credit card or bank account! Note that some providers might require you to verify your identity again, and that additional network fee may apply. For assistance, please contact your chosen provider directly.
To purchase digital assets directly on the Yield App platform:
- Navigate to the “Buy with card” section on the left sidebar
- Select the cryptocurrency asset you intend to buy
- Select the fiat currency you are going to spend
- View the corresponding amount of the chosen cryptocurrency you will receive based on your fiat expenditure.
From here you can choose between the main following payment methods:
1) Credit card
2) Debit card
3) Bank transfer (Wire and SWIFT)
4) Apple Pay
5) Google Pay
6) RevolutPay
There is a variety of onramp options to choose from. These options offer different speeds and rates. For ATOM and XRP transactions, please note that there is an automatic inclusion for MEMO and Tag, so there's no need to fill out these fields.
With multiple options of onramp providers available for you, choose the one that best suits your needs. Proceed to follow the steps outlined by the provider to complete your transaction.
To use some onramps, you may need to verify your identity again. This will depend on the cryptocurrency, fiat currency, or payment method you are using.
Transactions of $50,000 or more are processed through a different channel, please contact our support team for more information.