You can easily buy YLD tokens on Uniswap, one of the largest decentralized exchanges (DEXs) on the Ethereum network. To get started, all you need to do is follow these steps:
1. Using your web browser, go to Uniswap’s web application.
2. Connect your MetaMask wallet to Uniswap by clicking "Connect" in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Select MetaMask and allow Uniswap to access your wallet. You will then see your MetaMask public address instead of “Connect to a wallet”.
3. Choose the cryptocurrency that you want to swap for YLD. You can do this by clicking on "ETH" in the white box at the center of your screen. A pop-up will appear listing different cryptocurrencies, select the one you'd like to trade for YLD.
You can skip this step for ETH, since it is the default selection.
4. Next, click the pink "Select token" button below and type YLD. Be sure to select the token displaying the Yield App logo.
5. If the YLD token does not appear, you may need to search for it using the YLD contract address.
To do this, in the field where it says “Search name or paste address”, copy and paste YLD Token contract address:
6. Input the desired payed amount, verify the received sum, and then, click "Swap".
7. Confirm that you'd like to import YLD again.
8. Then, proceed in your MetaMask wallet to confirm again.
9. All done! Uniswap will inform you that your transaction has been submitted. Before you close this window, click "View on Explorer". This will take you to Etherscan where you can see your transaction. Don't forget to add YLD to your MetaMask wallet, otherwise, it will not appear (although your assets will still be there).
10. In MetaMask, click "Import tokens" and proceed with the steps.
11. Once the transaction has been completed, Uniswap and your MetaMask wallet will display your updated holdings of YLD. Congratulations, you now own YLD!
Please note that this tutorial was correct at the time of being published and that third-party wallet providers and other digital asset service platforms are subject to changes in functionality and that Yield App does not underwrite the aforementioned services or provide guarantees for any losses resulting from user interactions with third-party services.